The Fat Trap <<I love this piece by NYTimes health writer Tara Parker-Pope about the difficulties of losing weight once you’ve gained it. Excellent food for thought.
10 Stubborn Body Myths Debunked By Science << I honestly believed in many of those and am glad to know that I was wrong about lot of it.
What’s in that OJ? Tropicana is sued <<Remember when we found out recently that supermarket orange juice isn’t really naturally flavored? Well, some folks are demanding an explanation. (Yahoo! News)
How Alcohol is Metabolized <<Come on, you know you’re curious. (Nutrition Diva
10 Stubborn Body Myths Debunked By Science << I honestly believed in many of those and am glad to know that I was wrong about lot of it.
What’s in that OJ? Tropicana is sued <<Remember when we found out recently that supermarket orange juice isn’t really naturally flavored? Well, some folks are demanding an explanation. (Yahoo! News)
How Alcohol is Metabolized <<Come on, you know you’re curious. (Nutrition Diva
Cold pressing is a technique in which the cold press oil is mechanically pressed from the seeds at temperatures not exceeding.Improves Digestion -pure ghee is known to be one the most easily digestible dairy fat. It helps in proper digestion.. 120F.coconut oil doesn’t turn into fat. This is becausecoconut oil cold pressed contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), a body fuel that’s easy to burn without transforming to fat.We all know that losing weight requires fat and calorie burning, something drinking coconut oilcan easily provide.